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Тема теста: Велика Британія
Использовано: 4 раз

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Вопрос № 1
How many people live in Great Britain? a) Over 58 million b) over 61 million c) over 38 million
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Вопрос № 2
What is the population of England? a) 49 million b) 27 million c) 45 million
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Вопрос № 3
How many people live in the capital of Great Britain? a) 10 million b) 7 million c) 11 million
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Вопрос № 4
Where does the Prime Minister live? a) at 10 Downing Street b) at 10 Regent Street c)at Oxford Sreet
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Вопрос № 5
Who is the head of the state? a) the Prime Minister b) the King c) the Queen
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Вопрос № 6
Where does the Queen live in London? a) in Edinburgh Castle b) in Buckingham Palace c) in Liverpool
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Вопрос № 7
What is the capital of Scotland? a) Edinburgh b) Birmingham c) Dublin
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Вопрос № 8
What city is the birthplace of W. Shakespeare? a) Stratford-upon-Avon b) Bristol c) Cardiff
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Вопрос № 9
What is Liverpool famous for? a)it is the home of "Beatles" b) for its people c) for its shops
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Вопрос № 10
Where are the famous universities in Great Britain? a) in London b) in Manchester c) in Cambridge and Oxford
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Вопрос № 11
How many National parks are there in Britain? a) 10 b) 12 c) 8
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Вопрос № 12
Where is the Lake District? a) in the north-west of England b) in the west-east of England c) in the east- north of England
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Вопрос № 13
How many tourists come to Britain every year? a) 24 million b) over 24 million c) 28 million
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