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Тема теста: Listening Sunday
Описание: Raphael talks about what he does on his day off.
Использовано: 7 раз

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Вопрос № 1
Answer the following questions about the interview. Raphael is going to ask about ...

Вопрос № 2
Where does he like to go besides exhibits?
   a) Shopping
   b) The cinema
   c) The library

Вопрос № 3
2) How was the weather last Sunday?
   a) Perfect
   b) Rainy
   c) Windy

Вопрос № 4
What time does he get up?
   a) 6 o'clock
   b) 8 o'clock
   c) 10 o'clock

Вопрос № 5
4) What does he normally eat?
   a) Toast and cereal
   b) Eggs and bacon
   c) Fruit and coffee

Вопрос № 6
How does he feel about cooking?
   a) It's relaxing
   b) It wastes time
   c) It is difficult

Вопрос № 7
Raphael likes to stay home when it's really rainy.

Вопрос № 8
Raphael does not like to go to the cinema.

Вопрос № 9
Raphael eats the same thing as everyday for breakfast on Sunday morning.

Вопрос № 10
Raphael spends a lot of time for preparing meals.

Вопрос № 11
When you 'stay home' it means that
   you don't leave your house
   you leave your house
   you do something about the house

Вопрос № 12
'Brunch' is a meal that is eaten mid morning and is a combination of breakfast and lunch.

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